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MCM sticks to the development strategy that small enterprise should keep improving and fostering strength to become eventually larger and not eager for a quick success. MCM keeps its equanimity and focuses on providing testing and certification service for various battery products in a steady way. Only in this way can MCM be responsible for its clients and offer great solutions in a persistent way.


Guangzhou MCM Certification & Testing Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred as MCM) is a world-leading independent third-party organization, who is specialized in providing the cutting-edge information and professional solution of battery testing and certification at a global scope.MCM is established according to quality management system ISO/IEC 17020 & 17025 and information security management system ISO/IEC 27001, and accredited by CNAS, CMA, CBTL, CTIA.  



As a third-party organization concentrating on battery testing and certification, MCM , together with its worldwide partners TUVRH, QUACERT, ICAT, National New Energy Testing Centre, Hubei Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Battery Products, CAAC (General Administration of Civil Aviation of China), National Center, CQC (China Quality Certification Centre), etc., has successfully made 1/10 of battery products available in global market via the core concept of safe, reliable, and convenient testing & certification services for  electric vehicles battery, digital & telecommunication battery, air-transporting, battery certification in India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia, Europe, North America, Taiwan (China), Japan, South Korea, and Africa.


The saying All are good at first, but few prove themselves to be so at the last, quoted from The Book of Songs, an ancient Chinese collections of poems, has been the belief of MCM team since its founding in 2003. This belief has been stimulating us to be more concentrative among peers. MCM sticks to the service mode that keeping improving and becoming stronger, as well as persisting to innovation. MCM always surprise clients in every regard. Furthermore, MCM will conscientiously serve every business based on client demand, offering a superior service for global trade circulation.
